This guide will go over BFL and DZ.

1. BFL

1.1 Rules & General Info




BFL is a mode where the goal is to kill enemies as fast as possible.

Within each risk of BFL (low, medium, and high), there are difficulties (easy, normal, and difficult).

To reach a higher difficulty, you must kill every enemy (no leaking).

The higher the risk and difficulty, the higher the score.

The higher the score, the higher the rewards.

1.2 Buffs


In BFL, you can select 2 buffs. The buffs reset weekly and are based on your region (NA, EU, ASIA).

The left column is team buff, the middle is sinner specific buff, and the right is enemy debuff.

Selecting the best buffs can make a huge difference.

1.2.1 List of Possible Buffs: